Important dates
- 31th January 2020 - final date for receipt of articles for publication in OMNI no. 14
- 31th January 2019 - final date for receipt of articles for publication in OMNI no. 13
- 31th January 2018 - final date for receipt of articles for publication in OMNI no. 12
Cédric Lopez (Director of Publications) : revueOMNI@gmail.com
Carlos Alajarin Cascales (Deputy Director) : editorialesOMNI@gmail.com
Guidelines for contributors:
Download the model for submitting your article: .docx or .doc
Please follow the instructions given below before submitting an article. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
1. Give the forenames and surnames of the authors in full
2. Authors should give details of their affiliations, for example: "Director of Research at CNRS, AOROC (UMR 8546, CNRS-ENS)". If it is not included in the heading of the text, the affiliation will be "independent researcher" by default.
3. Each article should be preceded by a resumé of a few lines (in the same language as the article)
4. Articles should be drafted using the Times New Roman font, size 12. Avoid using special characters. It is preferable to use Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or any other word processor (.txt .rtf).
5. All photographs should have a caption if possible. If the author is unable to cut the photos, this can be done by the typesetter. Choice of formats for photos: .gif .png .tif .eps (if possible, avoid .jpg.jpeg).
6. Notes should be placed at the end of the article, separate from the bibliography.
7. The descriptions of coins should be preceded by the abbreviation Obv./ for the obverse and Rev./ for the reverse.
8. Captions and explanatory notes for photos should be in text format.
9. Under each illustration, the heading should be preceded by a reference: for example, Fig. 11: 8 Escudos of Carlos II, minted in Mexico in 1679. This reference can be used in the article in parentheses, for example: .....it is a very rare coin minted in Mexico (fig. 11).
10. A bibliography is obligatory. It should be located at the end of the article and be in the following format: for articles [1], for books [2], an example of the format [3].
[1] NAME P., NAME P. (year) Title of the article. Title of the review, p. 35-47
[2] NAME P., NAME P., NAME P. (year) Title of book. Publisher, country.
[3] LOPEZ C. (2010) Revelación de dos nuevo anversos para la dracma "al caballo y al florón". OMNI n°2, p. 11-14